Monday, 24 March 2008


Anyone reading this blog, would be concerned for the well-being of the Stallion, after his mega rant, which was posted a few days ago, good news, after retiring to his bed for some much needed rest, and recuperation, he is on the mend....alas the pain of the gravel trap excursion by brazil`s answer to the `milky bar kid' in the Malaysian Gp, has brought on a relapse, and even the success of the `forgettable fin' Kimi, is doing little to revive him.....This may help....or not...
The BBC had F1 for over 20 yrs before Itv, nobody wanted the commercial rights, in the `7o`s, hence Ecclestone bought them for a rumoured £20,000, and became the demi-god of F1. As sound marketing, and a general growth in the world`s economy, not to mention the HUGE advances in media technology, increased F1`s popularity, to the point you see today, Itv looked at the BBC`s sport portfolio with envy, in `96 when the BBC`s funding faltered, they obtained the rights.....Now they`ve had enough, and despite having a generally good set-up, the pay back as a commercial station, is not enough to warrant keeping it. Now, if the BBC did`nt get it, then the choice would be satellite, and then it would become pay-per-view, the audience would be less, and even more pressure would be applied to drop it, by the relevant channel. The last option would be via broadband, and as that is already happening with all things media, you can see where we will be in a few years.... for you Stallion, I write this, hoping you will feel better, or you can visit the website...... there was a little 90 min enduro last night, at ppik, the cap was teamed up with Paul Clarke, the current lapmeister, at pole... a first for me... started 2nd.. the cap was first out, it soon became apparent that the kart had problems, mainly, no grip, probable cause, confirmed at the end, over-inflated tyres....Paul did his best... the cap came off in 5th...dropped to 6th, on the changeover... we just got back to 5th.. Paul is hot in a kart but he had a frustrating time with this one, it would seem that the fundamentals still need work at Ppik!!!!............

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