Sunday 15 June 2008

Wow! Thats why Le Mans IS the dogs B********!!

At 1:05 am on Sun 15th, i checked the live timings and after over 10 Hrs of racing Audi was beating Peugeot by less than a lap. Aston Martin was beating Corrvette by around 40secs and the two LMP2 Porsches were inseperable.

By the end of the race...

All the above class battles were still raging. AMR had pulled just over a lap lead over the "vettes" to defend their GT1 Crown and the VM Porsche took the spoils in LMP2.

But finally against all the odds, through a full on assault from Peugeot, from rain to shine, night and day, after years of coming so close, Allan McNish has finally got to stand on the top step of the podium again. And Audi continue to claim Le Mans as their own, but it is most likely to be the R10's last time at the circuit as Audi move onto closed prototypes to remain competetive.

Overall a cracking race that will go down as a great battle between two great cars.

The only bad thing, is that for two years in a row, ive missed the race live on tv and ive not been since 04. Im getting serious withdrawl symptoms, so im going next year, even if it kills me!!



Achilles said...


Achilles said...

I have heard that due to popular demand, they are going to move the race to pfi, and call it...LE PFI 24...(minutes)